This dental veneers these are thin sheets of porcelain, about 0.3-1 mm. thick, which are placed covering the entire front surface of the tooth. They bind strongly to tooth using a special adhesive. The bond is so strong that once placed can not be removed unless the veneer is broken.
These are mainly used to mask anomalies in the colour of teeth which can not be treated by the conventional bleaching. They are also used to cover alterations in the size or tooth shapes, giving the ideal tooth aspect. Its main advantages are its power of adhesion, abrasion resistance and the high aesthetic value . Due to thickness being very minimal, the tooth needs virtually no reduction.
Many personalities in the media make use of this tratamiento dental to get an attractive smile.
Porcelain veneers do not change color over time and it needs 2 to 3 visits to complete the treatment.
Composite veneers
The composite veneers are thin sheets that are made with aesthetic material similar to a filling. They can be performed in one visit and less expensive than ceramic veneers.
The results are very aesthetic and durable with both techniques , but it is necessary to have a consultation to see which technique is more suitable for you.